Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I am retired now.  That does not mean I am retired from doing what I love, just retired from charging money for it.  I realized early on how expensive it was to hire a genealogy researcher.  I also realized that I love doing the research and the self publishing more when I am not charging money.  

I cannot do the long projects anymore.  But I do like to help people locate their ancestors and if they like, to help them to pick the right format for the information they find.  In that spirit, if you have questions or would like a little help, I would be happy to help. 
Since I last wrote on this Blog, many more self publishing companies have popped up.  I find myself using each company depending on what they publish, what deals are out there, and how good the quality is. 

I have been using Picaboo lately.  They have a lovely selection of books at good prices.  If you use their voucher system you will get a good deal.  They have a $35.00 voucher good for a $100.00 layflat book. 

I use Shutterfly for almost all my Christmas gifts.  They have everything from Home Décor, to posters and puzzles for children.  This year I made ipad covers for my grandsons.  They turned out great and the kids loved them.  They have books, prints and even pillows and blankets.  It is a great way to shop for special occasions and not leave the house. 

If you like to play on the computer and make personal presents for your family and friends, you could find a worse way to spend your time.

I do not get paid for using these companies names.  I just like the things that I can do with their products.